Shopping L'Occitane "Joy Euses Set"
Yesterday I was in L'Occitane and I found with a lot o f sets. The attendans told me t hat some of t hose are Christmas set s but other sets are perma nents . I loved all of sets but m y favorites are beautiful metalic bo xes be cause there are us e f ul in other ways . Also designs are awesome and the girl could decore your se t to be gifted . Designs are really so cute , I bought the n ext goodies: I adore this design , its price is 350-400 mexican pesos. T his holidays L'Occitane ha d launched Arlésienne so there are any kits of its. Girl gift me many samples o f Arlésienne perfume . Also I bought a facial mist of Angelica line. Anglica is a line tha t alw ays you can find int the stores. Between benefits it ha s we can find , the mos t importante for me, it can be used like a set up m ake up and refreshing along the da y . Below you can click to go to t he description of facial mist. http://mx....